Saturday, May 26, 2007


The American Gandhi arrived on May 24th in Glasgow, Scotland at 7:45 AM. The head stewart on the plane in Newark said, "You know you are on a plane to Glasgow, don't you?" In addition to my loincloth and white cotton shirt, I had my straw hat on. I looked like someone heading forHaite. My luggage failed to make it on the Glasgow plane in transfer from Cleveland. Now, I await for my clothes so I can go to the Foot Steps For Peace meeting to plan Tuesday's Faslane CD action. Showers interspersed with sunshine and temperatures in the 40s or 50s is our "typical weaather."

My Gandhi experiment in travel seems to be saying that I am recognized as being from a different place, but not as Gandhi. This is all from nonverbal communication. Bix observed that the airports are full of the global diversity facilitated by air travel. We walked aroound downtown Glasgow last night, windy, cold in a setting sun. Teenagers were often dressed in less clothing than I had on. We could hold a contest about who was more noticed.

Today, we plan the Walk Faslane action; tomorrow, a different group will plan our Dance For Peace Monday Faslane action. And, we are off!


mouse (aka kimy) said...

god bless! my friend mariel just gave me the heads up regarding your blog and your mission. I'm really sorry to have missed any opportunity to meet you and wish you bon voyage when you were 'back home' in cleveland. your work is really inspirational - thank you so much for working towards saving this fragile sphere of ours. I'm adding you to my blog list with hopes that others will learn and read about our current project. namaste.

Bernie Meyer said...

Glad to meet you Kimy.